Now make compiling fun again with my Mac mini


Deleted member 103


I almost sold my Mac Mini (2014) because it was slow.
Now I've exchanged the HD hard drive with a SSD hard drive and compiling is fun again.

Cost and time:
1) SSD-hard (250GB) = 49.99 €
2) Drive cloning = about 2 hours
3) Replace the hard disk = 1 hours
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Deleted member 103

I didn't want to use the simulator until the upgrade because it was very slow. now the simulator is faster than my iPhone 6+ and I use it very often now.


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The best inversion, ALWAY HD SSD (mac or windows).. is other world.

cost mac mini:
538,00 € ?

Cost develop for MAC (APROX):
100$ anul for APPLE
BAI 100$ 2 YEARS
Tab or iphone from 100$ to ... (second hand) (or simulator in mac mini)
(optional Mac mini (or remote compilation 30$ for year )
I have this job in homework!!! (only need create apple count, ajjj)


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I have a 2014 i5 Mac Mini - what was the spec (size, interface, etc...) of the SSD you got for yours?

- Colin.


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to replace the computer
What's that all about? My 1982 Olivetti M20 still works ok.. eheh


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Forgot to mention, I put a 250GB Samsung 860 Evo SSD in my wife's Lenovo Yoga a couple of months back after the HDD crapped itself. Was pretty impressed with the speed increase of the SSD.

- Colin.


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So as an fyi - I picked up a 1TB Samsung 860 EVO SSD from Amazon for US$145 & a USB->SATA cable so I could copy my existing hard drive over before swapping the drives. I bought a copy of Stellar Drive Clone (US$49) - which claims it can copy both the Mac & Windows images, however it failed to copy either so I asked for (& received) a refund (see Side Note below). In the end I used the Mac OS Disk Utility to make an image of the Mac OS partition (you need to boot from the recovery partition to do this). Once I had the Mac partition on the SSD I was able to boot from it & use Bootcamp to create a Windows partition & install Windows, then I used Winclone to copy the Windows image from my old hard drive to the Bootcamp partition on the SSD.

Once I tested everything was working on the SSD, I changed the drives over - which on a Mac Mini involves removing everything from the enclosure to make the HDD accessible. I found a good tutorial online ( which made it pretty easy.

My Mac Mini is now lightning fast booting into both Windows & Mac OS & everything runs considerably faster as well - although it's amazing how quickly you get used to the improvements & start thinking it's slow again! Definitely worth the $ & the time to change drives over.

Side Note: I cannot recommend using Stellar Drive Clone. I couldn't get it to work at all. Not only would it not make an image of my Mac OS partition, it wouldn't even copy my Bootcamp partition after I had used Bootcamp Utility to create a new partition on the SSD. It just would not recognize that there was a Bootcamp partition to copy to. It also crashed many times when I was trying to use it. Fortunately I was able to get a refund.

- Colin.

Peter Simpson

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So as an fyi - I picked up a 1TB Samsung 860 EVO SSD from Amazon for US$145

I too picked up a couple of Evo 860's a couple of months ago, they are really nice drives. Samsung provides their own cloning software which everybody including me says that when cloning from X drive to a Samsung SSD you can't go wrong with it.

I decided to upgrade my old 840's in my i7 laptops (one laptop is about 18 months old and the other is about 12 months old) to the newer and faster 860. Using the spec sheet the speed difference is not that much. When When using in a real world situation I can easily tell the speed difference between the two drives.

My old 840 drives are now being used for backup purposes on my linux server. I actually have a couple of spare 500GB Samsung SSD drives that I've not used in a while, I will use them for something useful in the near future though.

The Samsung migration software has never fail myself, my clients or my friends when I recommend to them to purchase a Samsung drive and use the Samsung cloning software to clone their current c drive over to their new Samsung drive, I always tell them to clean up their old drives first, oldofiles, cache files, temp files and folders etc.

Cloning my old Samsung 840 SSDs to my new 860 SSDs via an external USB caddy, 125 MB/S is not too bad.

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