Hi All
I have finished all the routines in my Land Surveying Program for a Level and Total Station. Now I am busy with interfacing the GPS for NTRIP firstly.
The problem that I have is that in VB.net I used the SIM Card in the GPS to access NTRIP, which was a mission when you wanted to check your Data Balance as one had to put the SIM Card in a phone to check it.
What I want to do in the Android version is to have the SIM in your phone and access NTRIP.
Here is my VB.net compact code to get all the Mount Points:
I have finished all the routines in my Land Surveying Program for a Level and Total Station. Now I am busy with interfacing the GPS for NTRIP firstly.
The problem that I have is that in VB.net I used the SIM Card in the GPS to access NTRIP, which was a mission when you wanted to check your Data Balance as one had to put the SIM Card in a phone to check it.
What I want to do in the Android version is to have the SIM in your phone and access NTRIP.
Here is my VB.net compact code to get all the Mount Points:
Public Overrides Function MountpointsList() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of GPS_Structure.NTRIP_CasterMountpoint)
Dim st As New Stopwatch
'Dim m As MatchCollection 'catches the sourcetable of the mountpoints
Dim mInternal As MatchCollection 'catches the STR sentences in the source table
Dim startString As String = "SOURCETABLE" 'startString for the regex
Dim endString As String = "ENDSOURCETABLE" 'endString for the regex
Dim pattern As String = "(?<=" & startString & ")(?s)(.*)(?=" & endString & ")" 'the pattern for the regex
Dim singleMountPoint As String 'a singleMount point - from STR to vbcrlf
Dim splittedMountPoint() As String 'array that contains all the values of a single mount point
Dim splittedCorrection() As String 'array that contains all the substrings of the correction of the mountpoint
Dim mountPointsData As String = String.Empty 'the raw data between SOURCETABLE and ENDSOURCETABLE
Dim success As Boolean = False 'checks if mountPointsData is found
Dim listOfMountPoints = New List(Of GPS_Structure.NTRIP_CasterMountpoint) 'list of mountpoints
Dim saveCorrection As GPS_Structure.CorrectionEnum 'saves the corrcetion of the mountpoint to a local variable
Dim saveName As String = String.Empty 'saves the corrcetio name of the mountpoint to a local variable
Dim saveLatitude As Double = 0 'saves the corrcetion latitude of the mountpoint to a local variable
Dim saveLongtitude As Double = 0 'saves the corrcetion longtitude of the mountpoint to a local variable
Dim saveIsGGANeeded As Integer = 0 'saves isGGANeeded of the mountpoint to a local variable
Dim saveSolution As Integer = 0 ''saves the solution of the mountpoint to a local variable
Dim tmpStr As String = String.Empty
Dim prevKeepAliveSuspend As Boolean = False
prevKeepAliveSuspend = COMM.IsKeepingAliveSuspended
COMM.IsKeepingAliveSuspended = True
COMM.SendDataToDevice("UNLOGALL" & vbCrLf)
'COMM.SendDataToDevice("SET,NETWORK.RESET" & vbCrLf)
'COMM.SendDataToDevice("LOG,GGA,ONTIME,1HZ" & vbCrLf)
While COMM.IsReading And st.ElapsedMilliseconds < 25000
tmpStr = COMM.DataFromDevice
mountPointsData += tmpStr
If mountPointsData.Length > 20 Then
If mountPointsData.Contains("SOURCETABLE") And _
mountPointsData.Contains("ENDSOURCETABLE") Then
'm = Regex.Matches(mountPointsData, pattern)
'mountPointsData = m.Item(m.Count - 1).Value
success = True
Debug.WriteLine("NTRIP Found all")
Exit While
End If
End If
'Debug.WriteLine("NTRIP waiting for a data for " + st.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString)
End While
If success = False Then
COMM.SendDataToDevice("UNLOGALL" & vbCrLf)
For I = 0 To 6
tmpStr = IFuncs.SendAndRead(COMM, "GET,NETWORK.ERRORCODE")
If tmpStr <> "" Then
MsgBox("Network Error", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "NTRIP LIST ERROR")
Exit For
End If
If tmpStr = "" Then tmpStr = "ERROR: Unknown error. Can't get mountpoints."
MsgBox("Cannot Connect", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "NTRIP CONNECT ERROR")
Return listOfMountPoints
End If
startString = "STR"
endString = vbCrLf
pattern = "(?<=" & startString & ")(.*\n?)(?=" & endString & ")"
mInternal = Regex.Matches(mountPointsData, pattern)
If mInternal.Count > 0 Then
For index As Integer = 0 To mInternal.Count - 1
singleMountPoint = mInternal.Item(index).Value
splittedMountPoint = singleMountPoint.Split(";")
splittedCorrection = splittedMountPoint(3).Split(" ")
If splittedCorrection.Length = 1 Then
Select Case splittedCorrection(0)
Case "CMR"
saveCorrection = GPS_Structure.CorrectionEnum.CMR
Case "CMR+"
saveCorrection = GPS_Structure.CorrectionEnum.CMRPlus
Case "RAW"
saveCorrection = GPS_Structure.CorrectionEnum.RAW
Case "RTCA"
saveCorrection = GPS_Structure.CorrectionEnum.RTCA
End Select
ElseIf splittedCorrection(1) = "SAPOS" Then
saveCorrection = GPS_Structure.CorrectionEnum.Other
Select Case splittedCorrection(1)
Case "2", "2.0", "2.1", "2.2", "2.3"
saveCorrection = GPS_Structure.CorrectionEnum.RTCM23
Case "3", "3.0"
saveCorrection = GPS_Structure.CorrectionEnum.RTCM30
Case "3.1", "3.2"
saveCorrection = GPS_Structure.CorrectionEnum.RTCM31
End Select
End If
If splittedMountPoint(1) <> String.Empty Then saveName = splittedMountPoint(1)
If splittedMountPoint(9) <> String.Empty Then saveLatitude = CDbl(splittedMountPoint(9))
If splittedMountPoint(10) <> String.Empty Then saveLongtitude = CDbl(splittedMountPoint(10))
If splittedMountPoint(11) <> String.Empty Then saveIsGGANeeded = CInt(splittedMountPoint(11))
If splittedMountPoint(12) <> String.Empty Then saveSolution = CInt(splittedMountPoint(12))
listOfMountPoints.Add(New GPS_Structure.NTRIP_CasterMountpoint With _
{.Name = saveName, .Correction = saveCorrection, _
.Latitude = saveLatitude, _
.Longtitude = saveLongtitude, _
.IsGGANeeded = saveIsGGANeeded, .Solution = saveSolution})
End If
COMM.SendDataToDevice("UNLOGALL" & vbCrLf)
Return New List(Of GPS_Structure.NTRIP_CasterMountpoint)
End Try
COMM.IsKeepingAliveSuspended = prevKeepAliveSuspend
Return listOfMountPoints
End Function
What would be nice if the Surveyor gets a display of how far away these Mount Points are from his\hers position.
A kick (not too hard please!!) in the right direction will be appreciated.