I get this error in Firebase crashlitycs and show the devices system in all exceptions = Android 9:
Several of my apps has th
e same issue and I don't know why and how to fix it.
The lines of main.java (\Objects\src...) and main.bas are:
Thanks in advance for any help.
Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
Attempt to read from field 'anywheresoftware.b4a.BA br.com.myprofiles.main.activityBA' on a null object reference
br.com.myprofiles.main$ResumableSub_Activity_Create.resume (main.java:1174)
br.com.myprofiles.main._activity_create (main.java:931)
e same issue and I don't know why and how to fix it.
The lines of main.java (\Objects\src...) and main.bas are:
929 - public static void _activity_create(boolean _firsttime) throws Exception{
930 - ResumableSub_Activity_Create rsub = new ResumableSub_Activity_Create(null,_firsttime);
931 - rsub.resume(processBA, null);
932 - }
1167 - this.catchState = 0;
1168 - //BA.debugLineNum = 276;BA.debugLine="If LastException.IsInitialized Then Log(LastExce";
1169 - if (true) break;
1170 -
1171 - case 32:
1172 - //if
1173 - this.state = 37;
1174 - if (anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common.LastException(mostCurrent.activityBA).IsInitialized()) {
1175 - this.state = 34;
1176 - ;}if (true) break;
275 - Catch
276 - If LastException.IsInitialized Then Log(LastException.Message) 'check if LastException was initialized to avoid error
277 - End Try
Thanks in advance for any help.