Android Question Number to dial is displayed incorrectly


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Longtime User
I want to make a call without to use the Phone library, because of the permission.

I use this code:

Dim i As Intent
i.Initialize("android.intent.action.DIAL", "tel:" & TelefoneLabel.Text) 'TelefoneLabel.Text=37778888

but in display to dial shows "Telefone: 37778888" and when I click in Dial button call the number "8353366337778888"

If I use this code:
i.Initialize("android.intent.action.DIAL", "tel:3777888")
dial to the correct number, but if I use the number of the Label text don't.

How I can fix it?

Thanks in advance.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Is this the country code / area code?
No. The country code is 55 and the area code is 31.
how I said:
if I use "tel:3777888" is Ok, but if I use "tel:" & TelefoneLabel.Text is displayed incorrectly.

I appreciate if you can help me.
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