Bug? Numberformat2 decimal places

Andrew (Digitwell)

Well-Known Member
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In iOS
the following code returns a string containing "1000", in Android the code returns a string, containing "1000.0"

I think that this is a bug.

           Private n As Double = 1000
            private s as string =  NumberFormat2(n,0,2,0,False)


Licensed User
iOS looks correct. Minimum decimal fraction places is 0.

Perhaps Android is splitting the difference, and giving you the average of 0 and 2 decimal fraction places.

Andrew (Digitwell)

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@emexes Yes, iOS is correct.

@klaus, I am running OpenJdk 11.0.1. Is that the same as you? I wonder if it is some strange precision problem.

I only noticied it because, I put this post up, https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...credit-card-and-apple-pay.124141/#post-775333, and it wasn't working on Android as STRIPE was rejecting the "1000.0" as the number.

In the end, I just frigged it by adding:

        else If checkfornumber(o) Then
            #if B4a
            Private n As Int = o
            #else if B4I
            Private n As Double = o
            #End If
            s = s & prevprefix & su.EncodeUrl(actprefix & "["&ky & "]","UTF8")&"="& NumberFormat2(n,0,0,0,False)

in the function convertsubmaptoUrlEncode in StripeClass


B4X founder
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The java version isn't relevant.
This is not a bug as 1000.0 meets the set minimum and maximum values.

Best to use B4XFormatter. It will work exactly the same in all platforms:
Dim f As B4XFormatter
f.GetDefaultFormat.MaximumFractions = 2
f.GetDefaultFormat.MinimumFractions = 0
f.GetDefaultFormat.GroupingCharacter = ""

Andrew (Digitwell)

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I didn't realise that Numberformat2 could do that. I assumed that it would give the minimum possible format.

I tend to use Numberformat2 quite a lot so I will write a little function to take the same parameters and call B4XFormatter instead.


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This is not a bug as 1000.0 meets the set minimum and maximum values.
I would expect, that for 1000 with MiniumFraction = 0, the result beeing 1000 and not 1000.0.
And why not 1000.00 which respects also the requirements?

I am running OpenJdk 11.0.1. Is that the same as you?
I use Java 11.0.1 too.


B4X founder
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I would expect, that for 1000 with MiniumFraction = 0, the result beeing 1000 and not 1000.0.
And why not 1000.00 which respects also the requirements?
This happens in the native API. I guess that the default string representation of 1000 is 1000.0 and it doesn't modify it if it meets the requirements.
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