B4J Question Object Browser for java jars?


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B4X Object Browser is a very useful and clear tool to inspect b4x libraries methods and properties.
Sometimes I need to directly access to java libraries and so I was looking for something similar to B4X Object Browser for a Java Jar, but I cannot find a good similar tool.
Is there anybody that could suggest to me a tool like this?
thank you


Licensed User
Longtime User
I use the following.

I use this most often. Download' jd-gui-windows-1.6.6.zip' and run the exe

This also decompiles jars. Download 'luyten-0.5.4.exe' from 'Releases'

This can open jars, apks, aars and others. Download 'jadx-gui-1.4.7-with-jre-win.zip' from 'Releases'
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