Offercast Mobile Releases New Ad SDK


New Member
Hi Developers!

This is Patty from Offercast Mobile. I'd like to thank everyone who has checked us out and signed up for our Beta! We still have some room, so if interested, please sign up soon.

I also wanted to let you know that we’ve gotten many requests to offer standard banner ads in addition to our App Wall, Exit Wall and Search Homepage ads and have just released a new SDK (V 1.5.1) that includes a 320x50 banner ad unit.

Banner ads drive to app downloads; payment is a rev share on a pay-per-install basis. Generally speaking, banner CTRs range from 1% to 4%, with an average of 2% and CTIs range from 1% to 4%, with an average 1.3%.

If interested in trying us out, here's the link to our registration page:

Thanks again!

Offercast Mobile