All attempts did not succeed
If you use each command alone, it succeeds, but both one by one does not work
Success false
I want read data from db and view image in imageview
If you use each command alone, it succeeds, but both one by one does not work
Success false
I want read data from db and view image in imageview
Dim link As String=""' this example for images in db
Dim job1 As HttpJob
job1.Initialize("j", Me)
'JobDone(job1) //// if I didn't write this command ,it didn't call function ////// I tried
Dim job2 As HttpJob
job2.Initialize("j0", Me)
job2.Download("" &"part.php")
End Sub
Sub JobDone(job As HttpJob)
If job.JobName="j" Then
If job.Success Then
Log("Error: " & job.ErrorMessage)
End If
Else If job.JobName="j0" Then
If job.Success=True Then
Dim strReturn As String = job.GetString
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim L0 As List
L0 = parser.NextArray 'returns a list with maps
If L0.Size >0 Then
For i = 0 To L0.Size-1
If i<= L0.Size-1 Then
Dim m As Map
m = L0.Get(i)
Log(m.Get("p_name")) '' test only not all data
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub