I am not able to restore the background color of previous panel after open and close a camera.
In nuce below the functions that create a light gray background with an image:
Sub createPanel()
pnl.Color = Colors.LightGray
btnTakePicture = addButton("btnCamera","Take Picture",1)
pnl.SetBackgroundImage(LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets, "bigGaleno.png", 100%x, 100%y, True)).Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
formData.Text = editData2(data,": ",Chr(10))
End Sub
Here the functions that activate the camera:
Sub btnCamera_Click
End Sub
At last closing the camera:
Sub btnExitPicture_Click
End Sub
The panel is recreated with buttons and image but the background is black.
I have also attempted with visibility on/off, SendToBack/brìngToFront and activity.inalidate.
Thank Erel
The camer panel is into layout: Activity.LoadLayout("camera").
If I impose the color before the image, it is no longer visible; I include the two images, the white one is at the start off app, the black image is after closing the camera and removing the camera panel itself.
As Erel said, Line #3 in createPanel will do nothing since later in line#7 you are setting again the background when loading a picture (since it is a png, the background will be transparent where the pic is transparent)
That's why, the 'LightGray' that you are seeing when the program starts, is not the pnl background color but the Activity background Color, which is initially set to that value (probably because of the targetSDK default theme or the specific theme that has been chosen in the manifest).
Later, when you load the camera layout to the activity: it does 2 things
Loads a panel with its content
Changes the Activity color to black
Finally, when you remove the camerapanel to create your pnl again, step 2) is not restored, so you are seeing again the Activity Background, BUT this time modified by the camera layout (even if you removed the panel)
There are several ways to solve it
Load a picture to pnl, that has a solid background
(Cleaner) Change the layout in the designer, so that the container Activity Drawable, instead of being a drawable with black color, will be a BitmapDrawable with no specified file (it will do nothing and keep the existing background)
Tanks JordiCP
Thanks your explanation has been helpful to me to solve the problem (with the Cleaner suggestion) and it has helped me to know better the Android environment.