iOS Question on demand compile not working and mac not working

John Woodsmall

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I turned the pc on this morning and the on-demand compiler
got 1/2 thru its compile screen and hung....
later 6 mins. it suddenly completed and downloaded to the iphone.

also the mac compile did the same...did not show a compile in the window.

all of these things have worked flawlessly for months.

only change is apple upgrade iphone to 9.1 yesterday.

i turned off the iphone and got the same results?


  • on_demand_compiler.gif
    5.6 KB · Views: 213

John Woodsmall

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by the way:
1.) turn off everything
2.) I re-booted the pc, the mac, the iphone
3.) checked the ip addresses were correct.
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Has your mac been updated recently? Are you using the newer B4i 2.31?
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John Woodsmall

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no...all is the same a yesterday.

My phone is on 9.1 is all.

I have the new mac update and the b4i update, but have not installed them
as it seems it might muddy the water a bit.

I could do that, if you think it might help.

But why would it run so slow, when before it worked perfectly?
has anything changed with the on-demand compiler?
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John Woodsmall

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What i figured out is that all the "files" under the files folder get compiled with the app and sent to the servers
even if they are not used! So I had 6 extra files one 48 megs. All of this is taken care of with sync button
and removing any unused files.
So must be watchful of the files folder.
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