read a lot of posts here, but still have no idea how to solve a problem i meet.
So, lets start
1) I have a Panel, a Label, array of Labels and a Button:
Dim MyPanel As Panel
Dim Title As Label
Dim Captions( 10, 10 ) As Label '10 is a sample value
Dim Push as button
2) All labels are inited with text values, colors, etc and added to MyPanel.
When button
Push is pressed, i need:
a) change text value for
Title Lable
b) make some
Captions label visible or invisible, change it color, text etc, depending on some conditions
sub Push_Click
' x and y are Ints previously calculated
Title.Text = "New Text"
Captions( x, y ).Visible = False
end sub
By some reason this
Title.Text = "New Text" works fine, but all of this
Captions( x, y ).Visible = False or true
Captions( x, y ).Enable = False or true
Captions( x, y ).Color = Colors.RGB( 0,0,0 )
"Programm paused" message on my phone
So, what i'm doing wrong ? Any way to manage of this Labels array ?
Thak you