I have 2 questions for Exoplayer,
1-is it possible to only show the seekbar/progressbar and time of the Exoplayer, and not the buttons?
If yes how to do that?
playing with these settings sometimes I only see the rewind/fastforward and not play stop, but that's probably a glitch
SimpleExoPlayerView1.UseController = False
VideoPlayers.Put(SimpleExoPlayerView1, True)
Dim jo As JavaObject = SimpleExoPlayerView1
jo.RunMethod("setControllerShowTimeoutMs", Array(1))
jo.RunMethod("setControllerHideOnTouch", Array(True))
2-I know how to use separate button to control Previous,Next, play and Pause. with:
playerJ.As(JavaObject).GetFieldJO("player").RunMethod("next", Null)
But how to use rewind and fastforward? If i'm correct it is seekTo, but how to do that. I saw somewhere they used p=p+5000 and p=p-5000 for a 5 second jump, but how to implement that?
Thanks for any help.