The question is, if you need parts of the underlying activity, when the second one is open. If not, you can make the small activity with transparent background.
in the Manifest Editor; this made the difference.
'This code will be applied to the manifest file during compilation.
'You do not need to modify it in most cases.
'See this link for for more information:
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" android:targetSdkVersion="14"/>
<supports-screens android:largeScreens="true"
SetApplicationAttribute(android:icon, "@drawable/icon")
SetApplicationAttribute(android:label, "$LABEL$")
'SetActivityAttribute(Main, android:theme, "@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen")
'SetActivityAttribute(Main, android:theme, "@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light.NoActionBar")
SetApplicationAttribute(android:theme, "@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light.Panel")
'End of default text.
Parsing code. 0.00
Compiling code. 0.04
Compiling layouts code. 0.01
Generating R file. Error
AndroidManifest.xml:14: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'theme' with value '@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light.Panel').
SetActivityAttribute(Act2, android:theme, @android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar)
'SetApplicationAttribute(android:theme, "@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light.Panel")
SetActivityAttribute (Act2, android: theme, @ android: style / Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar)
SetActivityAttribute (Act3, android: theme, @ android: style / Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar)
SetActivityAttribute (Act19, android: theme, @ android: style / Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar)
SetActivityAttribute (Act20, android: theme, @ android: style / Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar)