'Scale Code module
' Version 1.5 2014.09.02
' Version 1.4 2013.11.29
' amended error with height and width <0
' Version 1.3 2013.11.16
' added ScaleAllX and ScaleViewX
' this scaling uses only the X scale factor
' Version 1.2 2013.09.18
' added HorizontalScrollView
' Version 1.1
' added other reference layouts
' the original AutoScale the reference screen is 320/480/160
' in the new version you can set any other screen like 800/1280/160
' Version 1.0 orginal
Sub Process_Globals
Private cScaleX, cScaleY, cScaleDS As Double
Private cRefWidth As Int
Private cRefHeight As Int
Private cRefScale As Double
End Sub
'Initializes the Scale factors
Public Sub Initialize
Dim DeviceScale As Double
DeviceScale = 100dip / 100
cScaleX = (100%x/DeviceScale)/(cRefWidth/cRefScale)
cScaleY = (100%y/DeviceScale)/(cRefHeight/cRefScale)
cScaleDS = Sqrt(Power(cScaleX, 2) + Power(cScaleY, 2))
cScaleDS = 1 + ((100%x + 100%y) / DeviceScale / ((cRefWidth + cRefHeight - 50 * cRefScale) / cRefScale) - 1)
End Sub
'Scales the view v with the Rate set with SetRate
'or with the default Rate value of 0.3
'v must not be an Activity
Public Sub ScaleView(v As View)
If IsActivity(v) Then
End If
v.Left = v.Left * cScaleX
v.Top = v.Top * cScaleY
If IsPanel(v) Then
Dim pnl As Panel
pnl = v
If pnl.Background Is BitmapDrawable Then
' maintain the width/height ratio
' uses the min value of the scales
If v.Width > 0 Then
v.Width = v.Width * cScaleX
End If
If v.Height > 0 Then
v.Height = v.Height * cScaleY
End If
If v.Width > 0 Then
v.Width = v.Width * cScaleX
End If
If v.Height > 0 Then
v.Height = v.Height * cScaleY
End If
End If
ScaleAll(pnl, False)
Else If v Is ImageView Then
' maintain the width/height ratio
' uses the min value of the scales
If v.Width > 0 Then
v.Width = v.Width * cScaleX
End If
If v.Height > 0 Then
v.Height = v.Height * cScaleY
End If
If v.Width > 0 Then
v.Width = v.Width * cScaleX
End If
If v.Height > 0 Then
v.Height = v.Height * cScaleY
End If
End If
If v Is Label Then 'this will catch ALL views with text (EditText, Button, ...)
Dim lbl As Label = v
If cScaleX<cScaleY Then
lbl.TextSize = lbl.TextSize * cScaleX
lbl.TextSize = lbl.TextSize * cScaleY
End If
End If
If GetType(v) = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ScrollViewWrapper$MyScrollView" Then
' test if the view is a ScrollView
' if yes calls the ScaleAll routine with ScrollView.Panel
Dim scv As ScrollView
scv = v
ScaleAll(scv.Panel, False)
scv.Panel.Height = scv.Panel.Height * cScaleY
Else If GetType(v) = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.HorizontalScrollViewWrapper$MyHScrollView" Then
' test if the view is a HorizontalScrollView
' if yes calls the ScaleAll routine with HorizontalScrollView.Panel
Dim hcv As HorizontalScrollView
hcv = v
ScaleAll(hcv.Panel, False)
hcv.Panel.Width = hcv.Panel.Width * cScaleX
Else If GetType(v) = "flm.b4a.scrollview2d.ScrollView2DWrapper$MyScrollView" Then
' test if the view is a ScrollView2D
' if yes calls the ScaleAll routine with ScrollView2D.Panel
' Dim scv2d As ScrollView2D
' scv2d = v
' ScaleAll(scv2d.Panel, False)
' scv2d.Panel.Width = scv2d.Panel.Width * cScaleX
' scv2d.Panel.Height = scv2d.Panel.Height * cScaleY
Else If GetType(v) = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ListViewWrapper$SimpleListView" Then
' test if the view is a ListView
' if yes scales the internal views
Dim ltv As ListView
ltv = v
ltv.SingleLineLayout.ItemHeight = ltv.SingleLineLayout.ItemHeight * cScaleY
ltv.TwoLinesLayout.ItemHeight = ltv.TwoLinesLayout.ItemHeight * cScaleY
ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ItemHeight = ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ItemHeight * cScaleY
' center the image vertically
ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ImageView.Top = (ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ItemHeight - ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ImageView.Height) / 2
Else If GetType(v) = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.SpinnerWrapper$B4ASpinner" Then
' test if the view is a Spinner
' if yes scales the internal text size
Dim spn As Spinner
spn = v
If cScaleX<cScaleY Then
spn.TextSize = spn.TextSize * cScaleX
spn.TextSize = spn.TextSize * cScaleY
End If
End If
End Sub
'Scales all views in the given Activity or Panel with all its child views
'with the Rate set with SetRate
'or with the default Rate value of 0.3
'FirstTime must be True
'<code>Sub ScaleAll(Activity, True)</code>
'Public Sub ScaleAll(act As Activity, FirstTime As Boolean)
Public Sub ScaleAll(pnl As Panel, FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim I As Int
' test if the activity object is a Panel
If IsPanel(pnl) And FirstTime = True Then
' if yes scale it
For I = 0 To pnl.NumberOfViews - 1
Dim v As View
v = pnl.GetView(I)
End If
End Sub
'Scales all views in the given Activity or Panel with all its child views
'with the Rate set with SetRate
'or with the default Rate value of 0.3
'only the X scale is used, the vertical scale is the same as the horizontal scale
'FirstTime must be True
'<code>Sub ScaleAll(Activity, True)</code>
'Public Sub ScaleAll(act As Activity, FirstTime As Boolean)
Public Sub ScaleAllX(pnl As Panel, FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim I As Int
' test if the activity object is a Panel
If IsPanel(pnl) And FirstTime = True Then
' if yes scale it
For I = 0 To pnl.NumberOfViews - 1
Dim v As View
v = pnl.GetView(I)
End If
End Sub
'Scales the view v with the Rate set with SetRate
'or with the default Rate value of 0.3
'only the X scale is used, the vertical scale is the same as the horizontal scale
'v must not be an Activity
Public Sub ScaleViewX(v As View)
If IsActivity(v) Then
End If
v.Left = v.Left * cScaleX
v.Top = v.Top * cScaleX
If IsPanel(v) Then
Dim pnl As Panel
pnl = v
If v.Width > 0 Then
v.Width = v.Width * cScaleX
End If
If v.Height > 0 Then
v.Height = v.Height * cScaleX
End If
ScaleAllX(pnl, False)
If v.Width > 0 Then
v.Width = v.Width * cScaleX
End If
If v.Height > 0 Then
v.Height = v.Height * cScaleX
End If
End If
If v Is Label Then 'this will catch ALL views with text (EditText, Button, ...)
Dim lbl As Label = v
If cScaleX<cScaleY Then
lbl.TextSize = lbl.TextSize * cScaleX
lbl.TextSize = lbl.TextSize * cScaleY
End If
End If
If GetType(v) = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ScrollViewWrapper$MyScrollView" Then
' test if the view is a ScrollView
' if yes calls the ScaleAll routine with ScrollView.Panel
Dim scv As ScrollView
scv = v
ScaleAllX(scv.Panel, False)
scv.Panel.Height = scv.Panel.Height * cScaleX
Else If GetType(v) = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.HorizontalScrollViewWrapper$MyHScrollView" Then
' test if the view is a HorizontalScrollView
' if yes calls the ScaleAll routine with HorizontalScrollView.Panel
Dim hcv As HorizontalScrollView
hcv = v
ScaleAllX(hcv.Panel, False)
hcv.Panel.Width = hcv.Panel.Width * cScaleX
Else If GetType(v) = "flm.b4a.scrollview2d.ScrollView2DWrapper$MyScrollView" Then
' test if the view is a ScrollView2D
' if yes calls the ScaleAll routine with ScrollView2D.Panel
' Dim scv2d As ScrollView2D
' scv2d = v
' ScaleAllX(scv2d.Panel, False)
' scv2d.Panel.Width = scv2d.Panel.Width * cScaleX
' scv2d.Panel.Height = scv2d.Panel.Height * cScaleX
Else If GetType(v) = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ListViewWrapper$SimpleListView" Then
' test if the view is a ListView
' if yes scales the internal views
Dim ltv As ListView
ltv = v
ltv.SingleLineLayout.ItemHeight = ltv.SingleLineLayout.ItemHeight * cScaleX
ltv.TwoLinesLayout.ItemHeight = ltv.TwoLinesLayout.ItemHeight * cScaleX
ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ItemHeight = ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ItemHeight * cScaleX
' center the image vertically
ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ImageView.Top = (ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ItemHeight - ltv.TwoLinesAndBitmap.ImageView.Height) / 2
Else If GetType(v) = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.SpinnerWrapper$B4ASpinner" Then
' test if the view is a Spinner
' if yes scales the internal text size
Dim spn As Spinner
spn = v
If cScaleX<cScaleY Then
spn.TextSize = spn.TextSize * cScaleX
spn.TextSize = spn.TextSize * cScaleY
End If
End If
End Sub
'Returns True if the view v is a Panel otherwise False
'Needed to check if the view is a Panel or an Activity
Public Sub IsPanel(v As View) As Boolean
If GetType(v) = "anywheresoftware.b4a.BALayout" Then
Dim obj As Object
obj = GetParent(v)
If GetType(obj) = "android.widget.FrameLayout" Then
Return False
Return True
End If
Return False
End If
End Sub
'Returns True If the View v Is an Activity otherwise False
'Needed to check if the view is a Panel or an Activity
Public Sub IsActivity(v As View) As Boolean
Dim obj As Object
obj = GetParent(v)
If GetType(obj) = "android.widget.FrameLayout" Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Sub
'Sets new reference screen values
'Default values are Width = 320, Height = 480 Scale = 1
Public Sub SetReferenceLayout(Width As Int, Height As Int, Scale As Double)
If Width < Height Then
cRefWidth = Width
cRefHeight = Height
cRefWidth = Width
cRefHeight = Height
End If
cRefScale = Scale
End Sub
Sub GetParent(v As View) As Object
Dim jobj = v As JavaObject
Return jobj.RunMethod("getParent", Null)
End Sub