i have added manifest like following
your manifest does not match the url used
for myapp://open.com?str=123
myapp is the scheme
open.com is the host
You can not override the default http scheme as the browser is registered to handle http links.
You need to define your own scheme.
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<!-- Accepts URIs that begin with "myapp://” -->
<data android:scheme="myapp" android:host="*" />
Once your app runs it register itself to be responsible for any links starting with "myapp" (instead of "http")
your app will be opened then.
Open a browser on the device and try to open
Use / to split the parameters as you need to parse the string by yourself.
Sub Activity_Resume
If Activity.GetStartingIntent = lastintent Then Return
Dim In As Intent
In = Activity.GetStartingIntent
lastintent = In
Log("--- Intent")
Log("Action: "&In.Action)
Log("ExtrasToString: "&In.ExtrasToString)
If In.ExtrasToString <> "no extras" Then
ListView1.AddSingleLine("--- Data")
Dim data As String = In.GetData
Dim data As String = In.GetData
If data <> Null Then
If data.StartsWith("myapp://") Then
data = data.SubString(8)
End If
End If
'data = data.re Replace("beka:|/|/","")
If data <> Null Then
Dim method As String = data.SubString2(0,data.IndexOf("/"))
Log($"Methodname: ${method}"$)
ListView1.AddSingleLine($"Methodname: ${method}"$)
Dim values As List
values = Regex.Split("\/", data)
If values.Size > 0 Then
For i = 0 To values.Size-1
Dim par As String = values.Get(i)
If par.IndexOf("=") > 0 Then
Dim revalues() As String = Regex.Split("=",par)
ListView1.AddTwoLines("Parameter: "&revalues(0),"Value = "&revalues(1))
End If
End If
End If
If In.ExtrasToString.Contains("no extras") Then
'No Data
End If
End If
End Sub