May 13, 2011:
This is currently not possible.
Jan 17, 2012:
It is currently not possible.
May 13, 2020:
Dim policy As JavaObject
policy = SpinConductorOAcompanante
policy = policy.RunMethodJO("performClick", Null)
End Try
Just without the try!
I'm sorry for not being a Java-Wiz or whatever. But I don't know what to do with that code. Nothing there tells me which spinner to open. The other links does not tell me anything either. I'm using B4A because I didn't want to learn other languages to make apps.
I was hoping for an answer here from someone that could help. Not gettting moched for not being able to search, which I actually tried. Thank you DonManfred!
Can I assume from your answer that it is not possible in B4A, whithout external stuff?
If it is not possible, why didn't you just say so?
I just hoped that the language had changed more since 2012. Of course it did. I
know!!! But I have never had this problem before. Sorry for that comment, Erel. I love B4A.
I should of course included all results from my search in the opening post . I'm sorry for not doing so.