Opening Windows Mobile SMS and Email


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I want to open from a Basic4PPC program the Windows Mobile SMS and Email windows. I think I have to use Shell, but cannot find how to pass the required parameters, a.o. required function and mobile number and account and email address, respectively.

Ideal would be something like but then for SMS and Email.

Looking on Internet, I get totally confused.

Can somebody help me with examples, please?

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Longtime User

After quite some experimenting I found a solution myself that works.

For those interested:

To open the Windows Mobile SMS window:

Shell ("\Windows\tmail.exe" , " -service " & Chr(34) & "SMS" & Chr(34) & " -to " & Chr(34) & TelNr & Chr(34))
TelNr is a variable holding the mobile number.

To open the email window:
Shell ("\Windows\tmail.exe" , " -service " & Chr(34) & "Hotmail" & Chr(34) & " -to " & Chr(34) & EmailAddress & Chr(34))

Hotmail is the name of the account; EmailAddress is a variable holding the email address.

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