OpenMapTiles Server for VPS


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because i not want pay money for google maps i found a self hosting map server system
to display a area via a simple url etc.

for linux there are only 2 steps and the setup is running (theory )
(at Debian 10 i had trouble to install docker first.)

for non-commercial or education the map tiles are free.

the server can also output images!
example usage
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Well-Known Member
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Same for Google maps (almost) if you use a webview. You can control it similar to your example. I had the same issue of not willing to pay for it.
Google maps in a WebView require a (secured) API Key + Billing Account or you can view the map request only once.

Alexander Stolte

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Longtime User
because i not want pay money for google maps i found a self hosting map server system
I had the same trouble on December, but I have set up an Openstreetmaps server, because my app is a location based app and the API needs Citynames, but i had some trouble with the qulatity of results, so i switch to Here, It's not free, but you have a monthly contingent of request and i build my own cache system on my database where i save the coordinates to a relation to the citynames (250 meters) to save time and money for the api.
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