Normal compilation is working without problems, optimized compilation generates an error-free .exe, too, but if I try to start it on my PDA I get the following error (non-optimized works with no problems)
datei- oder assemblyname 'crypto, Version=1.0.2647.40023,Culture=neutral, PublicToken=null' bzw. eine Abhängigkeit davon nicht gefunden
something like
file or assembly name 'crypto, Version=1.0.2647.40023,Culture=neutral, PublicToken=null' or a dependancy not found
Any Ideas? .net 2 is installed on the device ROM. Cryptodevice.dll is available, of course - is there probably a new version of this lib for .net 2.0 somwhere?
Normal compilation is working without problems, optimized compilation generates an error-free .exe, too, but if I try to start it on my PDA I get the following error (non-optimized works with no problems)
datei- oder assemblyname 'crypto, Version=1.0.2647.40023,Culture=neutral, PublicToken=null' bzw. eine Abhängigkeit davon nicht gefunden
something like
file or assembly name 'crypto, Version=1.0.2647.40023,Culture=neutral, PublicToken=null' or a dependancy not found
Any Ideas? .net 2 is installed on the device ROM. Cryptodevice.dll is available, of course - is there probably a new version of this lib for .net 2.0 somwhere?