Erel, Based on past forum questions, I know you've addressed this problem and applied a fix, but on my Windows desktop the OTA_Deployer panel is timing out after 40-45 seconds. I have to be quick to enter the required info, getting the link and COPYing it to my clipboard. I'm using jdk 11.0.1
Does Completed. Exit code: -1 in the log mean anything? I'm executing the OTA from my app code using Ctrl/click on 'OTA: ide://run?file=C:\Fish\OTA_Deployer.jar
Erel, Based on past forum questions, I know you've addressed this problem and applied a fix, but on my Windows desktop the OTA_Deployer panel is timing out after 40-45 seconds. I have to be quick to enter the required info, getting the link and COPYing it to my clipboard. I'm using jdk 11.0.1
Does Completed. Exit code: -1 in the log mean anything? I'm executing the OTA from my app code using Ctrl/click on 'OTA: ide://run?file=C:\Fish\OTA_Deployer.jar
It crashed for some reason. If you are using Java 8 then you can start it from the command line with java -jar OTA_deployer.jar
It will allow you to see the error message.