I use jGoogleMaps to display a map and markers with the positions of some cars
For each car I have a small image that is used to display the car on the map
In addition to the position I would also like to indicate the direction of the individual cars and a text to indicate the speed and the name of the driver
So the marker should consist of: - small car image - arrow image to indicate direction - alphanumeric string to indicate speed and driver
I currently load the small car image using the function
gmap.AddMarker2 (lat, lon, "Targa =" & Targa_Auto, File.GetUri (File.DirAssets, graphic_marker))
And so I'm missing the arrow image to indicate direction, and the string image containing other information
How to "add" to the image of the car, a small arrow rotatable from 0 to 360 degrees, and then an alphanumeric string?