Wish Pack all in-use libs when compile to library


Well-Known Member
hi @Erel as u know we can create libraries directly by java
one of the good possibilities in java is automatically import classes which is used in project and the final step has a .jar and a .xml files
but some time for a small libraries the b4a is enough but when i want to use other libs i should check another libraries and it's okay but after compile that to a library my lib has dependency to third party libraries which i used them in my class
and what i want to do is repack all of them into one .jar file
i can do this by java,i can add them from as an external jars and do a wrapper for combine them but it's waste of times
as my English is bad so if you dont understood exactly this is an example:
- create a class
- use animation lib to add some animations to views by some functions in our class
- compile to library

result is a .jar + .xml file but has dependency to animation library
so what i want is repack automatically my class and animation lib to a single .jar and .xml file without need to check animation library
thank u


Well-Known Member
You don't need to check dependent libraries. A reference is added automatically by the compiler.
no my purpose is not when i want to compile my project

imagine we have a class named ClassA
this class is using reflection library in some function
then compile to library

now if every body(third party) wants to use my library then he/she need to check my lib + reflection library
is this right?
but what i want to do is uncheck reflection lib after compile my class to library
if still is not clear i can create a small sample
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