It Works! The x86 32 bit compile circumvented the Serial Port open crashing problem! I tested it with both Chat.jar and my own program, and they both work now as installed native executable!
As I had indicated, I uninstalled existing x86 java. Then I downloaded from the Oracle website the Windows x86 version of java, jdk-8u144-windows-i586.exe, and installed it. I opened B4J and set the javac.exe path to C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\bin\javac.exe. I opened the Chat program, and then later my own program and compiled them both. I tested them individually as compiled jar, and they both worked as expected. I then opened the B4J Packager utility available on the B4J website that I had previously downloaded, and ran it in the IDE. I filled in the javapackager text field, setting it to C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\bin\javapackager.exe. I filled in the Jar file path field to the newly compiled programs, Chat.jar and then later my own. I filled in the few other fields, and then built the bundled installer programs. They averaged each about 45M in size, which was expected. I ran these and installed the Chat program and then my own program on a Windows 10 computer. They installed as expected in directory - Program Files (x86). I tested them by clicking on the installer created desktop icon, and they both ran perfectly and as expected, and no crashing now on Serial Port Open! Wonderful!
Thank you OliverA for help in guiding through the diagnostic process to satisfying conclusion; Thank you Erel for your knowledgeable help in the diagnostics! Together, along with my own determined effort, helped to resolve the issue to a satisfying conclusion!