I installed Android Studio with the same Android SDK that came using for B4A and from that moment I started getting the error:
Parking Files Error. (image attached)
B4A.exe running from the command line parameter "-log" I have obtained the following file:
Any solution ??
Thanks in advance
Parking Files Error. (image attached)
B4A.exe running from the command line parameter "-log" I have obtained the following file:
.Net version: 4.0.30319.42000
B4XClassifer created
B4XErrorTagger created
Gui: 1004
*** no reuse ***
Gui: 792
Gui: 77
Gui: 100
B4XClassifer created
B4XErrorTagger created
*** no reuse ***
Gui: 121
Compilation task: 149.8971
ExitCode: 1
jarsigner: unable to open jar file: bin\temp.ap_
jarsigner: unable to open jar file: bin\temp.ap_
Gui: 57
optimizedDex receive: 33
OptimizedDexer exitCode=0
Optimized worked...
Compilation task: 3196.8852
Gui: 75
Any solution ??
Thanks in advance