I have a Panel where I show the Cross-Section of a Road (can also be a Channel, etc.) with the Stakeline. How can I determine if the User clicked on the Panel left or right of the Stakeline? The Stakeline is normally the Centreline of the Project.
If StakePanel is the Panel then the X an Y coordinates of the finger position inside the panel are given by the touch event.
See https://www.b4x.com/guides/B4XBasicLanguage/?page=75
If X is less than halfway of the panel width you're touching to the left.
Sub StakePanel_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
Select Action
Case StakePanel.ACTION_DOWN
' Your code for DOWN action
Case StakePanel.ACTION_MOVE
' Your code for MOVE action
Case StakePanel.ACTION_UP
' Your code for UP action
End Select
End Sub