Hi, this is my first post so apologies for asking a basic question. I found Basic4Android just last week and think it is just fantastic, very easy to use and understand as I have a VB background rather than Jarva. Thank you for opening Anroid application dev to me!
Anyway back to the point. I want to make an app that starts with the Main layout with labels and buttons etc. When a button is pressed, I want to display another layout (say Layout1) with different labels etc.
1) should the new layout be a new Activity that is called when the button is pressed on the Main layout?
2) Do I need a Panel on the new layout to hold all the labels etc together or is this achieved by having separate layouts?
3) if the new layout is in a new Activity then presumably all the views on Layout1 need to be initialsed via the usual Activity_Create(FirstTime as Boolean).
Thanks, any help much appreciated to get me started!