Android Code Snippet Parameterized SQL Update Example

There are many ways to write a parameterized update class/function of course....and here is 1 more

0. Reference to SQL and DBUtils Libraries
1. A Type object that has the same structure as your data row (Type GameRow in the code snippet below).
2. A SQL String builder (GetUpdateGameRecordString in the snippet below).
3. A data array builder (GetUpdateGameRecordArray in the snippet below).
****Then call ExecNonQuery2 with the objects****

Parameterized SQL Update Example:
' This example uses a Type object for row mapping and executing a SQL row update.
Private SQLGame As SQL
Private DBName as String = "game.db"
Private TableName as String = "gameTable"

'Type structure should match the data table row columns.
Type GameRow(rowId As Int, playResult as String, playScore as Int)
Private GameRowElementCount as Int = 3 'Simply the number of elements in the Type, easy to edit here when adding/removing rows. Used to dimension data array.

'Entry Point - Receive new values, build type object and update the db
Public Sub UpdateRow(rowId as Int, playResult as String, playScore as Int)

     'Initializer should be called outside of this function. Adding here to make this a fully working example.
    If SQLGame.IsInitialized = False Then
        SQLGame.Initialize(xui.DefaultFolder, DBName, True)
        If DBUtils.TableExists(SQLGame, TableName) = False Then
             'SQLGame.ExecNonQuery($"CREATE TABLE ${TableName} (rowId INTEGER NOT NULL, playResult TEXT, playScore INTEGER)"$)
        End If
    End If

    Dim tempRow as GameRow
    tempRow.rowId = rowId
    tempRow.playResult = playResult
    tempRow.playScore = playScore
    UpdateGameRecord(tempRow, TableName)
End Sub

Private Sub UpdateGameRecord(gr As GameRow, tblName As String)
    Dim sqlString As String = GetUpdateGameRecordString(tblName)
    Dim dataArray() As String = GetUpdateGameRecordArray(gr)
        'Execute the update using parameterized string and array.
        SQLGame.ExecNonQuery2(sqlString, dataArray)
    End Try
End Sub

Private Sub GetUpdateGameRecordString(tblName As String) As String
    Private sb As StringBuilder
    sb.Append("UPDATE ")
    sb.Append(" Set ")
    sb.Append("playResult = ?,")
    sb.Append("playScore = ? ")
    sb.Append("WHERE rowId = ?")
    Return sb.ToString
End Sub

Private Sub GetUpdateGameRecordArray(gr As GameRow) As String()
    Dim tempArray(GameRowElementCount) As String
    tempArray(0) = gr.playResult
    tempArray(1) = gr.playScore
    tempArray(2) = gr.rowId
    Return tempArray
End Sub

Private Sub GetCreateGameTableString(tblName As String) As String
    Private sb As StringBuilder
    sb.Append("CREATE TABLE ")
    sb.Append(" (")
    sb.Append("rowId INTEGER NOT NULL, ")
    sb.Append("playResult TEXT, ")
    sb.Append("playScore INTEGER)")
    Return sb.ToString
End Sub

Corrections/comments are welcome. Thank you.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I also started to use Type object to make my code cleaner. Thanks for sharing.


Active Member
Licensed User
Thank you @aeric

Yes, for me, this makes the code much more maintainable. Isolating each "job" into a separate function also makes it easier to troubleshoot if I have syntax errors.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
If you have multiple tables with similar fields to update, you can pass the table name as parameter, else the table name parameter is not required.


Active Member
Licensed User
If you have multiple tables with similar fields to update, you can pass the table name as parameter, else the table name parameter is not required.
Great point... I reuse this function to create 2 tables, one data and one display. As stated, if only 1 table is required, no need to pass the table name.
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