Share My Creation Paratroopers (in progress)


i am working on a copy of the great game from the 80's Paratroopers.
i am not using any game engine and still get a great performance!! (i have to add few stuff like collision but i believe i will still stay under 25 frames per second) at this moment the whole rendering part takes less then 1 ms (in debug mode!!)

EDIT: new look available on post #17


  • paratroopers.jar
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there is still some work to do (draw the paratroopers, add sound, add collision, add menu, add how to play page, add highscore online list,...)

i am drawing the controls on the screen only to see how it would look like on a mobile phone but it will be possible to hide the controls when you play on desktop.
b4j is awesome


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The wars would be wonderful if everyone had your aim (you did not hit a single helicopter ).

Why create desktop games, today?

I wasted a lot of time (like right now ) but I think you should develop mobile or/and WEB games.


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Why create desktop games, today?

4 reasons:

1. Own use. sometimes i need to take a break from work so i play a little bit on the pc.

2. (Main reason) when i want to make a game for ios i first make it on b4j and because b4x is almost a cross platform tool i use the code to my b4i or b4a apps. It is much simpler to make a game on b4j. U can set the window size also to a mobile phone and see how it would look like on mobile.
Compile time is much faster.

3. Promote b4j

4. Likes (just a joke)


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The wars would be wonderful if everyone had your aim (you did not hit a single helicopter ).

yes it is hard to hit an object without collision detection

i have updated the first post with a new video after adding the collision detection and some improvements (explosion [lots of particles],...)
i am really impressed by b4j. i have lots of loops in my render sub and dont use any game engine libs but still get less then 1ms calculation+drawing time
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Longtime User
The wars would be wonderful if everyone had your aim (you did not hit a single helicopter ).
yes it is hard to hit an object without collision detection
Do not get smart; I have assumed that the collision detection was not already implemented, but the reality is that the bullets have never touched the helicopters

That said, I am going to watch the new video

P.S. Ok, now you've hit some helicopter; most likely this time you have allowed someone else to play


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first version has been uploaded in the first post. if you could try the game and tell me how it runs on your pc i would appreciate that.
i am still getting less then 1 ms for the whole render+collision sub. so thats amazing!

btw the length of the game is 663 lines. i am not using any game libs. everything is written by myself. the only libs i use are:

- jCore
- jFX
- jReflection
- jAudioClip
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I would like the ability to rotate the cannon while shooting.

i did it like in the original game and there the shooting stops the canon (or the endpoint).
if i will do a different game with the same mechanics i would also let the user rotate the canon while shooting but here i try to make a perfect copy of the original


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I am not using any game engine and still get a great performance!! (i have to add few stuff like collision but i believe i will still stay under 25 frames per second) at this moment the whole rendering part takes less then 1 ms (in debug mode!!)

Very smooth on Celeron N2840 too !
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