This mostly works, but sometimes it crashes. Anyone know why?
More context: I created a date-time picker which, for user simplicity, has only the next 5 days in a comboBox to select from., and hours and minutes in other comboBoxes. The dates in the date comboBox are in the format "Mon 11/01/2021".
For now, I've worked around it by saving the date of the first item in the date comboBox as ticks in a variable, and using that plus selected index to calculate the selected date in ticks.
Main.depTime = DateTime.DateParse(cbSelDate.SelectedItem) + (cbSelHour.SelectedItem * DateTime.TicksPerHour) + (cbSelMin.SelectedItem * DateTime.TicksPerMinute)
More context: I created a date-time picker which, for user simplicity, has only the next 5 days in a comboBox to select from., and hours and minutes in other comboBoxes. The dates in the date comboBox are in the format "Mon 11/01/2021".
For now, I've worked around it by saving the date of the first item in the date comboBox as ticks in a variable, and using that plus selected index to calculate the selected date in ticks.