First go to and get APIKEY
Insert in the APIKEY in source code where are (INSERT_YOUR_APID_HERE).
Read the web for alternatives forecast options.
Create a new project and copy insert this code. Select the necesary libs. JSON-HTTP-HTTPUTILS2
Read and Debug the code. This is a 5 day forecast-
Is not a class of JSON or HTTP. In the forum are a lot of example.
Only work for me and share.
Insert in the APIKEY in source code where are (INSERT_YOUR_APID_HERE).
Read the web for alternatives forecast options.
Create a new project and copy insert this code. Select the necesary libs. JSON-HTTP-HTTPUTILS2
Read and Debug the code. This is a 5 day forecast-
#Region Module Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: True
#ApplicationLabel: JSON Weather Example
#VersionCode: 1
#SupportedOrientations: unspecified
#End Region
'Activity module
Sub Process_Globals
End Sub
Sub Globals
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim job As HttpJob
' goto
' and get APPID , see instructions and options
End Sub
Sub JobDone (Job As HttpJob)
If Job.Success = True Then
End If
End Sub
Sub parserjson(jsontext As String)
' THE BEGINING ----------------------------
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim Maestro As Map = parser.NextObject
'TIP: Debug and stop In next line.
' Select Maestro and Analize
' See size (num items)
' Items like String and Numbers
' Items with +
' Touch +city and look like MAP
' Touch +list and look like AN ARRAR of MAPS
' -----PARSE MAESTRO- 3 items- 1 map - 1 Array--------------------------
Dim cnt As Int = Maestro.Get("cnt")
Dim cod As String = Maestro.Get("cod")
Dim message As Double = Maestro.Get("message")
Dim MapaCiudad As Map = Maestro.Get("city") ' MAP
Dim DailyReport As List = Maestro.Get("list") 'ARRAY
' -----PARSE MAPACIUDAD - 3 items- 2 map --------------------------
Dim Pais As String = MapaCiudad.Get("country")
Dim name As String = MapaCiudad.Get("name")
Dim id As Int = MapaCiudad.Get("id")
Dim sys As Map = MapaCiudad.Get("sys") ' MAP
Dim population As Int = sys.Get("population")
Dim LatLonMap As Map = MapaCiudad.Get("coord") 'MAP
Dim lon As Double = LatLonMap.Get("lon")
Dim Lat As Double = LatLonMap.Get("lat")
' -----PARSE DailyReport From MAESTRO--------------------------
For Each Report As Map In DailyReport
Dim dt As Int = Report.Get("dt")
Dim dt_txt As String = Report.Get("dt_txt")
Dim xmain As Map = Report.Get("main")
Dim temp As Double = xmain.Get("temp")
Dim temp_min As Double = xmain.Get("temp_min")
Dim grnd_level As Double = xmain.Get("grnd_level")
Dim temp_kf As Int = xmain.Get("temp_kf")
Dim humidity As Int = xmain.Get("humidity")
Dim pressure As Double = xmain.Get("pressure")
Dim sea_level As Double = xmain.Get("sea_level")
Dim temp_max As Double = xmain.Get("temp_max")
Dim clouds As Map = Report.Get("clouds")
Dim all As Int = clouds.Get("all")
Dim sys As Map = Report.Get("sys")
Dim pod As String = sys.Get("pod")
Dim wind As Map = Report.Get("wind")
Dim deg As Int = wind.Get("deg")
Dim speed As Double = wind.Get("speed")
' rain and snow sometimes no download
' Make error, if read null data
' Get rain or snow and check isinitliazed
' Check Item and read
Dim rain As Map = Report.Get("rain")
If rain.IsInitialized Then
If rain.ContainsKey("3h") Then
Dim x3h As Double = rain.Get("3h")
Dim x3h As Double =0.0
End If
End If
Dim snow As Map = Report.Get("snow")
If snow.IsInitialized Then
If snow.ContainsKey("3h") Then
Dim xx3h As Double = snow.Get("3h")
Dim xx3h As Double =0.0
End If
End If
Dim weather As List = Report.Get("weather")
For Each colweather As Map In weather
Dim icon As String = colweather.Get("icon")
Dim description As String = colweather.Get("description")
Dim smain As String = colweather.Get("main")
Dim id As Int = colweather.Get("id")
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Is not a class of JSON or HTTP. In the forum are a lot of example.
Only work for me and share.