B4A Library Parse Library – Push Notifications and Cloud Storage


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Getting this error trying to compile using the Simple Library Compiler. Any ideas on where I should look? I'm trying to rename the library to Parse2, but did not see any references inside the wrapper java to specify self package name. also, I added all of the base v5.2 libraries to the libs directory to solve the dependancy errors I had initially.

Starting step: Compiling Java code.
javac 1.7.0_75
C:\Users\gentry\Desktop\SimpleLibraryCompiler\Parse2\src\anywheresoftware\b4a\objects\ParseObjectWrapper.java:602: error: <anonymous anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ParseObjectWrapper$ParseQueryWrapper$2> is not abstract and does not override abstract method done(List,ParseException) in FindCallback
Note: C:\Users\gentry\Desktop\SimpleLibraryCompiler\Parse2\src\anywheresoftware\b4a\objects\ParseObjectWrapper.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
1 error


More details - After commenting out Find, to bypass the above error, Now I hit a more troubling one:

Starting step: Compiling Java code.
javac 1.7.0_75
C:\Users\gentry\Desktop\SimpleLibraryCompiler\Parse2\src\anywheresoftware\b4a\objects\ParseObjectWrapper.java:1168: error: method initialize in class Parse cannot be applied to given types;
            Parse.initialize(this, appID, clientKey, serverURI);
  required: Context,String,String
  found: ParseApplication,String,String,String
  reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length

My guess it the ParseNative.jar is where this is defined. Is that library a B4A library, or did that come from Parse directly?

Any clues are appreciated
Last edited:


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Hello everyone!

I was wondering if anyone with a Parse app ran through the B4A library here (which I do find very very useful!) migrated their app to Heroku or any other solution, given the fact that Parse will close in about 9 months.

I have an app that's very dependent on the Parse database and it would be insane just to refigure out everything.

Any ideas?

Thank you!


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I've been looking at dreamfactory but haven't started migrating yet.
I'd be keen to see a library for that


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Since the Parse functionality would be preserved and the apps migrated, I was wondering if the current library can be modified accordingly.

Serdar K.

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It would be very nice to have some libraries for alternatives (Azure, Google Cloud service, AWS, etc.) or the Parse library updated supporting the last native SDK.
My experience is not enough yet, unfortunately.

I would like to ask a question :

When updating a ParseObject of a class on cloud, we can find a record, update other fields and
add items to an array field(object) like :

po02.Add("QuestionIDs", Questions.vQuestionData(vIX001-1).QuestionID )

and then save the updated record :

po02.Save("po02", 1)

But I can't replace the array fields(objects). They continuously grow up having new data added and old data kept.

Would something like :
Dim po1 As ParseObject
po02.Put("QuestionIDs", po1 )
For vIX001 = 1 To Questions.vQuestionCnt
po02.Add("QuestionIDs", Questions.vQuestionData(vIX001-1).QuestionID )

work for replacing all items of "QuestionIDs" ?

I couldn't find anything relating removing a field's data when it is an array.
When i run a put method, it works on other fields, but when in array fields,
for example, for removing existing 30 items and adding new 30 items, i couldn't access
a solution.

Thanks & regards,

Serdar K.

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Longtime User
I couldn't find any solution and moved into a string field containing a JSON String.
So, since there is no array, there is no problem.


Serdar K.

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Longtime User
After a long examination, i set up a server on Amazon Web Services.
It is effective regarding the price, and it seems not being shut down in a near future.
By the way, actually Parse used this service for storing and serving our data.

You can start with setting up an account with the free tier.
If you can find Bitnami Parse Server in marketplace (The free one), you can set your
server on a t2.micro instance for free in 5 minutes.

The story begins here.
The server is working fine but you should even enable the HTTP authentication for Dashboard.
Or anyone knowing the URL can access the dashboard and make changes.
There are some key points to find in Bitnami and Parse documentation.
Then you should enable SSL. If you have your own keys, it is also possible to install this ones.

I didn't still migrate my data and i'm going on testing.

Except Parse, I have also Firebase in mind because of the Realtime DB functionality, but the long term pricing
and native library issues are some concerns for me.


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