B4A Library ParsSlideView(SlideView)


Licensed User
Longtime User
hi i am getting this error:

B4A version: 7.01
Parsing code. (0.00s)
Compiling code. (0.04s)
Compiling layouts code. (0.00s)
Organizing libraries. (0.00s)
Generating R file. Error
..\res\layout\sv_slide_view.xml:25: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'textAppearance' with value '@style/TextAppearance.AppCompat.Medium').

what could be the problem please?



Licensed User
Longtime User
I guess you should use AppCompat in your app using a AppCompat theme

i have downloaded the example and tried to compile it.
i dont understand what you mean with using an AppCompat theme.

in manifest it is written:

SetApplicationAttribute(android:theme, "@style/Theme.AppCompat")

and the layout file is present in the res folder.


Licensed User
Longtime User
i have downloaded the example and tried to compile it.
i did this too to test it.
i unpacked the lib.
copied the jar and xml from thr lib folder to additional libs.

i opened the example in b4a 7.01
i veryfied that the res folder is inside the project folder (due to the #additionalres-directive)
Connected my device
i got no error.

I´m using Appcompat lib V3.52

it maybe has something to do with the android.jar you are using (Tools-Configure paths). It should be the jar from platform 25 as of today. Which one are you using?


Licensed User
Longtime User
it maybe has something to do with the android.jar you are using (Tools-Configure paths). It should be the jar from platform 25 as of today. Which one are you using?

i am using jar file from platform 25 but my appcompat lib version is 2.00
so i guess that was the reason for that.

i suggest to update the first post and write the minimum AppCompat version that is needed to run the example.

thanx, ilan