Thanks for the reply - I have tried using InitializeArray for the two arrays, both and separately, but still get errors - e.g.
Dim hexagon(6) As JavaObject ' an array of 6 WB_Point objects
For I= 0 To 5
hexagon(I).InitializeNewInstance("wblut.geom.WB_Point",Array As Object(0.0,100.0,0.0))
If I>0 Then
End If
Dim polygons(7) As JavaObject ' An array of 7 hexagons (each an array of 6 WB_Point objects)
polygons(0).InitializeArray("wblut.geom.WB_SimplePolygon",Array As Object(hexagon))
gives a runtime error of
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: array element type mismatch
It is difficult to understand what the Values() can be on .InitializeArray - is it possible to give more explanation?