PayPal MPL library


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ecco il mio problema ora, dovrei distruggere il bottone non appena invio richiesta di pagamento, altrimenti mi rimane li sospeso nella videata.
here's my problem now, I should destroy the button as soon as sending payment request, otherwise I will remain suspended in the screen.


poi se annullo o proseguo mi rimane il bottone come nella prima immagine,,, qualche suggerimento!
then if I cancel or continuation me remains the button as in the first image,,, any suggestions!


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Risolto, grazie
Solved, thanks



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Do we know if there is a way to explicitly send in extra parameters through this wrapper?

For example the following below is great for a simple transaction, but I want to include a reference id which relates to the product the person is buying, as its needed for the ipn call later

   pp.RequestPayment("GBP", "5.99", email, buyer, _

So, how do we add in extra parameters (e.g. set the 'custom' field, payer_id etc)

I noticed that we can change the default language with :

Dim jo AsJavaObject
jo.InitializeStatic("").RunMethodJO("getInstance", null).RunMethod("setLanguage", ArrayAs Object("de_DE"))

is there something similar to set extra parameters?

Many thanks


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Hello friends I have been creating my app with paypal payments have already mounted button all the data the test button sendox etc etc .. now porbe everything and excellent works , the question now as I do other than the account and sendbox It is to my mind and no longer tell the donation button if not to say payment.


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by the way, I should clarify that and change the option from true to false to use the id live but shows me the button


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PayPal button does not appear, if I put APP- 80W284485P519543T " True , " paypal ") appears if I put AY9kkBq2xxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " false, " paypal " ) does not appear, and according to my log ( "Ready " & Success ) is false .


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I'm use the PayPalWrapper library from long time, and all work fine.
but now... two customers send me this image... with a error from paypal i attach image " THE SYSTEM IS NOT AVAILABLE, PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER "

i don't know the problem, some one know somthing about it.
Thaks a lot.

(sorry for my english)


Deleted member 103

Now I have read the whole thread, but I have still not understood whether to use the library, may be, for example, if would unlock a lite version to a Pro version.

Because if that was working so would many lighter than the Library In-AppBilling for me.


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Longtime User
All today i receive this error ( Sandbox mode ):

This in PayPal_Ready
Success: false, Extra: 10800: System error. Please try again later.

Any idea ?
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