It worked for me. I expect you have something wrong elsewhere. If you have not fixed it for yourself by now then post a complete sample project and maybe someone can point out what you have missed.
It worked for me. I expect you have something wrong elsewhere. If you have not fixed it for yourself by now then post a complete sample project and maybe someone can point out what you have missed.
The view B4XSeekBar1 inside PreoptimizedCLV did work for you? Standalone B4Xseekbar1 have no problem with me. Ill post the sample project later. Thanks
the event that is activated is "Public Sub PCLV1_HintRequested (Index As Int) As Object"
and within the PCLV
Sub B4XSeekBar1_ValueChanged (Value As Int)
LastUserChangeIndex = Max(0, items.Size - 1 - Value)
If LastUserChangeIndex < B4XSeekBar1.Interval Then LastUserChangeIndex = 0
lblHint.Text = ""
If xui.SubExists(mCallback, mEventName & "_HintRequested", 1) Then
Dim t As Object = CallSub2(mCallback, mEventName & "_HintRequested", LastUserChangeIndex)
If t <> Null Then
InternalSetTextOrCSBuilderToLabel(lblHint, t)
End If
End If
End Sub