I designed the software on device 1 and run great with no issues on device 2 except when producing a pdf file. I am using the PDFDocument library from this site. when I produce pdf file on device 1, it looks how I designed it (picture attached device-1). But when I produce the pdf on device 2 (picture attached device-2), the document size is correct, but all my text looks zoomed and hangs of the document page.
I have attached sample images, any idea on what's going on here?
Was wondering if the PDFDocument library would work for B4J?
I have the same software on B4J as a desktop version and would love to produce the same pdf files with same code...
wd.OpenWord and wd.PowerShellConvertToPdf are Windows only methods and depend on MS Word being installed. All other methods are based on jPOI (Apache POI) and do not depend on anything else.
Hi, This class cPDF.bas (version 0.6 - 2024-01-03) generate PDF File with limited fonctionnalities (but enough for me) Add pages with different paper size (use constants or custom size) PDF standards font (Courier, Helvetica, Times, Symbol and Zapfdingbats), style (Normal, Bold, Italic...
Hi, This class cPDF.bas (version 0.6 - 2024-01-03) generate PDF File with limited fonctionnalities (but enough for me) Add pages with different paper size (use constants or custom size) PDF standards font (Courier, Helvetica, Times, Symbol and Zapfdingbats), style (Normal, Bold, Italic...