Hey everyone,
I want to create a PDF document and display it the PDF View created with PDFium. There is a problem in this. The Object PDFDocument is apparent in both libraries (Printing & PDFIum). Is there a way to define to which object I am referring to (Like Namespace in .NET)?
PDFium library
Printing library
Thanks in advance
I want to create a PDF document and display it the PDF View created with PDFium. There is a problem in this. The Object PDFDocument is apparent in both libraries (Printing & PDFIum). Is there a way to define to which object I am referring to (Like Namespace in .NET)?
PDFium library
PDFium - Pdfview2
This is a wrap for a PDF-View which is based on PDFium. It is based on these two Github-Projects: Pdfium and Android PDF-View The PDF-View is based on Pdfium 1.9 The Library, resp. the Natives inside, are 64bit Compliant btw. It supports Horizontal and Vertical scrolling, Pagesnap. PDFium...
Printing library
Printing and Pdf creation
This is an Android 4.4+ (API 19+) library. Its two main features are: 1. Creating Pdf documents with the PdfDocument object. 2. Printing with the Printer object. Lets start with PdfDocument. Dim pdf As PdfDocument pdf.Initialize pdf.StartPage(595, 842) 'A4 size pdf.Canvas.DrawLine(2, 2, 593...
Thanks in advance