I want to create a PDF document and display it the PDF View created with PDFium. There is a problem in this. The Object PDFDocument is apparent in both libraries (Printing & PDFIum). Is there a way to define to which object I am referring to (Like Namespace in .NET)?
This is a wrap for a PDF-View which is based on PDFium. It is based on these two Github-Projects: Pdfium and Android PDF-View The PDF-View is based on Pdfium 1.9 The Library, resp. the Natives inside, are 64bit Compliant btw. It supports Horizontal and Vertical scrolling, Pagesnap. PDFium...
This is an Android 4.4+ (API 19+) library. Its two main features are: 1. Creating Pdf documents with the PdfDocument object. 2. Printing with the Printer object. Lets start with PdfDocument. Dim pdf As PdfDocument pdf.Initialize pdf.StartPage(595, 842) 'A4 size pdf.Canvas.DrawLine(2, 2, 593...