i've these lines
and i got this solution
--> changing firebase ui db from 1 to 3 and i simply don't know what i should do.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method autoSpacing(Z)Lcom/github/barteksc/pdfviewer/PDFView$Configurator; in class Lcom/github/barteksc/pdfviewer/PDFView$Configurator; or its super classes (declaration of 'com.github.barteksc.pdfviewer.PDFView$Configurator' appears in /data/app/b4a.example-r-lOWKiksbGujKKNoEfM1g==/base.apk)
and i got this solution
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method zzUU()Z in class Lcom/google/firebase/FirebaseApp;
i'm making a food delivery app here is the error which i'm facing, please help me to get out of it. Blockquote (ZygoteInit.java:1120) 05-05 10:31:37.666 25756-25791/com.example.lenovo.laundry...