B4A Library PDFWriter

Hello everyone,

Here is yet another library: PDFWriter.
Linked by user mwhetmore at this topic, you can now create your own PDF files and save them!
The library has 3 declarations:

I. PDFWriter
Dim PDFWriter1 As PDFWriter
Declare this in globals so you can benifit from all main methods for writing your PDF File.

1.1 Initialize
PDFWriter1.Initialize("PDFWriter1",PaperSize.A4_WIDTH, PaperSize.A4_HEIGHT)

This initializes your PDF writer and gives in an eventname for when the pdf has been created, and it creates a new document with the papersizes than you can choose. (A1, A2, A3, and a lot more!).

1.2 addLine
PDFWriter1.addLine(int fromLeft, int fromBottom, int toLeft, int toBottom)

Adds a line to your PDF file. The parameters are self-explanatory.

1.3 addRawContent
PDFWriter1.addRawContent(String rawContent)

Adds raw content to your pdf file.
For example: PDFWriter1.addRawContent("0 1 0 rg\n")

1.4 addRectangle
PDFWriter1.addRectangle(int fromLeft, int fromBottom, int toLeft, int toBottom)

Adds a rectangle to your pdf file.

1.5 addText
PDFWriter1.addText(int leftPosition, int topPositionFromBottom, int fontSize, String text)
PDFWriter1.addText2(int leftPosition, int topPositionFromBottom, int fontSize, String text, String transformation)

This will add text to your PDF file.
The difference between addText and addText2 is that you can add a transformation to your text, see chapter III. PDFStandardFonts.

1.6 ConverseDocument
This wll create you a PDF file. Sub ConversionDone will be raised when the conversion has been done.

Sub PDFWriter1_ConversionDone (Content As String)
   PDFContent = Content
   ToastMessageShow("Conversion has been done.",False)
End Sub

1.7 CreateNewDocument
PDFWriter1.CreateNewDocument(int Width, int Height)
This wll create a new PDF document with the given Width and Height in Papersizes, like in the initialize method.

1.8 newPage
This wll create a new PDF page in the same document.

1.9 outputToFile
PDFWriter1.outputToFile(String Directory, String FileName, String pdfContent, String encoding)
This will save your pdf content in the given Directory with the given filename with the given encoding.


2.0 outputToScreen
This will show your pdfcontent in a label. (note that it won't show the pdf itself but the content!)

Label1.Text = PDFWriter1.outputToScreen

2.1 setFont
PDFWriter1.setFont(String subType, String baseFont)
PDFWriter1.setFont2(String subType, String baseFont, String encoding)

This will set the font in your PDF file.
The difference between setFont and setFont2 is that you can add a encoding to your text in setFont2, see chapter III. PDFStandardFonts.

II. PDFPaperSizes
Dim PaperSize As PDFPaperSizes

With PaperSize you can select, when you create a new document (or with initialize), what paper you would like to use to work with.
Here are all the options:

III. PDFStandardFonts
Dim Fonts As PDFStandardFonts

And to end, you can choose between a lot of available fonts.
I won't put them here, but it varies from Times New Roman, to Courier, and some more.

IV. License

The library is licensed under BSD!
So you just have to mention the author. (not me!)
Author: Javier Santho Domingo (j-a-s-d@coderesearchlabs.com)

In the attachments, you can find the library files and 2 text files:
A readme.txt and Sample.txt
The project was just to big to upload here at the forum.
So just copy the content of Sample.txt in a new Basic4Android Project and
check the PDFWriter at the right hand pane in the library tab of the IDE, and run the project.

Have fun.



  • PDFWriter1.0.zip
    18.7 KB · Views: 1,697
  • PDFWriter1.1.zip
    25.6 KB · Views: 2,869
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Active Member
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Hi XverhelstX,

I am trying/testing the creation of a WebLink in Pdf by sending "PDFWriter1.addRawContent"
And following the documentation of:

Theoretically the following raw code should generate a PDF document that when clicked on page,
opens the browser in the defined URI.
But it does not work!!!

"PDFWriter1.ConverseDocument" may not support "WebLink URI action" ???

    1 0 obj
        << /Type /Annot
        /Subtype /Link
        /Rect [20 20 802 525]
        /Border [16 16 1]

      /Root 1 0 R


Well-Known Member
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Hello I used like this. And it code works with web link on link words.
Sample result PDF page in attachment.
PDFWriter1.addText2(PaperSize.LETTER_WIDTH-40,50,8,"©Copyright 2016 || Download link = https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=profil.boru",DEGREES_270_ROTATION)


  • Pipe_Profile_Result_Page.pdf
    256.2 KB · Views: 365


Active Member
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I dont see the uri action. When I click over http no go on, neither open navigator to the uri defined. You write and paint URL text. But is not sensible at click on.
Can you try this one ???



  • DOC-20170107-WA0000.pdf
    1.3 KB · Views: 370
Last edited:


Active Member
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Sorry. You are reason. No From my android Pdf viwer but Ok work over machine desktop.
Trying your solution and thank you very much !!!!


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True DonManfred.
With PC all work fine, problem is android.
if you copy both Pdf documents to android:::
with Pipe_Profile_Result_Page.pdf over android no work URI action.
with DOC-20170107-WA0000.pdf over android work fine URI action.
DOC-20170107-WA0000.pdf is make with PdfJet over android!!!
I can't use PdfJet because have Dexter Err !!!. My App is Big.

And yo can see other diference over PC into follow image.
The hand. Why ?? Library is old ?? Library is not compliance ??

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Mr Blue Sky

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For people who ask the same question and who does not answer as all the time, I can not find a better solution.
I use : RSImageProcessing Library

Private Test1 As Bitmap
Dim rbmp As RSImageProcessing

If File.Exists(File.DirRootExternal,"test.jpg" ) Then
Test1 = (LoadBitmapSample(File.DirRootExternal, "test.jpg" , 320, 200))
Test1=rbmp.rotateBitmap(Test1, -90)
PDFWriter1.addRectangle(80, 600, 200, 320)
End If


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Active Member
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I would like to run your sample of PDFWriter but I don't have the required designer .bal file. How can I obtain it?
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