I'm trying to prepare myself for the time when new apps will need to AAB + signing
I managed to create a .JKS file with keytool -genkey.
I keep the resulting file in the directory:
so the JKS file is:
Now I try to "PEPK" it (pepk.jar is also in the same directory as above) with:
java -jar D:\Developement\B4A\Google_Play_Sign_App\pepk.jar --keystore=D:\Developement\B4A\Google_Play_Sign_App\nbp-release-key.jks --alias=nbp-release-key --output=D:\Developement\B4A\Google_Play_Sign_App\nbp-output.zip --include-cert --encryptionkey=.....
commnad (with changes in locations) was copied from google play when I choose "Export and upload a key from Java keystore"
but got error message (see pic below)
What's wrong with what I did?