Android Question PEPK is pepking me


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I'm trying to prepare myself for the time when new apps will need to AAB + signing

I managed to create a .JKS file with keytool -genkey.

I keep the resulting file in the directory:

so the JKS file is:

Now I try to "PEPK" it (pepk.jar is also in the same directory as above) with:
java -jar D:\Developement\B4A\Google_Play_Sign_App\pepk.jar --keystore=D:\Developement\B4A\Google_Play_Sign_App\nbp-release-key.jks --alias=nbp-release-key --output=D:\Developement\B4A\Google_Play_Sign_App\ --include-cert --encryptionkey=.....

commnad (with changes in locations) was copied from google play when I choose "Export and upload a key from Java keystore"

but got error message (see pic below)
What's wrong with what I did?



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Change --alias=nbp-release-key to --alias=b4a

Now I was trying to use the "Export and upload a key from Java keystore" and uploaded the output zip.
Then I uploaded my AAB and got the following msg:

Your Android App Bundle is signed with the wrong key. Ensure that your App Bundle is signed with the correct signing key and try again. Your App Bundle is expected to be signed with the certificate with fingerprint:

SHA1: D6:BA:.... blah blah, more HEX

but the certificate used to sign the App Bundle you uploaded has fingerprint:

SHA1: 06:FA:.... more blah balh with HEX
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If you are using a new keystore file created with keytool genkey with RSA and 2048 parameter, then put this in your app and compile to AAB, it should work

#if AAB
    #SignKeyFile: my-release-key.jks '<----This can be path to your key eg. c:/folder/key.jks'
    #SignKeyPassword: xxxxxxx
    #SignKeyAlgorithm: -digestalg SHA1 -sigalg SHA256withRSA
#end if

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