Hey, i'm using this objc code, to get access to the PHAsset.
How can i use the new method?
I'm using this class:
-(void) objc_RequestPermission
[PHPhotoLibrary requestAuthorization:^(PHAuthorizationStatus status)
[self.bi raiseUIEvent:nil event:@"objc_RequestPermissionDone:" params:@[@((int)status)]];
requestAuthorization(for:handler:) | Apple Developer Documentation
Prompts the user to grant the app permission to access the photo library.
requestAuthorization(_:) | Apple Developer Documentation
Requests the user’s permission, if needed, to access the photo library.
I'm using this class:
[CLASS] Photo management library based on PHAsset
This class is a collaborative effort between myself and Narek Adonts. The basic architecture and original Objective C was provided by Narek, I did some additional Objective C (and I don't do Objective C) and a major tidy up and rationalization. The enclosing example wrapper is intentionally...
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