Android Question Phone and tablet app


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I think a lot depends on how you want your app to look and function. For example, I have a phone/tablet app. On phones, I force the activity to portrait mode and load the various layouts with only one being visible at a time. For tablets, there is a different set of layouts that combine some of the phone layouts onto a single screen. From top to bottom. Tablet-Landscape, tablet-portrait, and phone.

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I have in mind the setup for phone and tablet. It look like your ac9ts.
But I have to find for an app to be accepted by google store for phone and tablet.
Google play store said
You upload screenshots for 10-inch tablets, but it seems your APK is not designed for them.
automatic translate from french
and this message too
Your layout should make the screen space on 10-inch tablets.
automatic translate from french
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Have you added screen size statements to the manifest?

This is from the app mentioned above.

<supports-screens android:resizeable="true"
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