i am tryinh to retrive the current date and time of the phone.
i have declared the date and time as follows on Sub Globals
Dim mydate As String
Dim mytime As String
(iknow that i have delaided themm wrong)
in the sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean) i have decleared the following
DateTime.dateformat = "dd/MMMM/yyyy"
DateTime.TimeFormat= "hh:mm:ss"
and the code i use is the following in oreder to retrive the current day and current time from the phone is the following
mydate= DateTime.date(DateTime.now)
can you tell me what i have done wrong..... i am a lerner you see
i have declared the date and time as follows on Sub Globals
Dim mydate As String
Dim mytime As String
(iknow that i have delaided themm wrong)
in the sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean) i have decleared the following
DateTime.dateformat = "dd/MMMM/yyyy"
DateTime.TimeFormat= "hh:mm:ss"
and the code i use is the following in oreder to retrive the current day and current time from the phone is the following
mydate= DateTime.date(DateTime.now)
can you tell me what i have done wrong..... i am a lerner you see