I have my non UI App running on the pi. I can run it from B4J in Debug mode or Run mode. Both echo the Logs and if I start it in Run mode then I can switch off the PC and leave it running on the pi.
Now I want to start the program at Boot from the pi so I'll add a line to /etc/rc.local.
However, I can't find my program file on the pi! Could a very patient person tell me:-
- Where will B4J put the file?
- What will the filename be? Presumably the package name?
I could be wrong here but I have not found my jar file either. I thought it might be in "tempjar" but no luck. I copy the file from my PC to the Pi with an USB stick. On the PC it is called "result.jar" and you find it in the objects directory in your project.
Edit: In the examples from Erel, "BouncySmiley", the file is called BouncySmiley.jar but I cannot see where to set the name. It could be just the name of the project.
I'm back on this issue: In tempjars there is a .zip folder with what looks like my whole project and all associated libraries. I can extract this to a folder but I'm still not sure which file I should call from etc/rc.local to make my b4j program run on startup?
@lip: Copy the AsyncInput2 file in your case to a (new) directory of your choice and rename it to something else (MyApp.jar) for example. The jar file is nothing more than a zip file with a different ending and is executable. You "run" the main jar file not one of the class files. So the command you need to enter into the /etc/rc.local file is