pic programmer compatbile for basic4android?


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What is it your trying to do. The programmer obviously used for programming. So, are you wanting to create an app to program the PIC?

There is no direct way in android or b4a to do this. In fact I've not heard of any way to do it with a phone.

If your wanting to do the programming on pc then I would suggest either PICBasic pro for Great Cow Basic (a little buggy gut very usuable, easy and free).
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Hello everyone, I bought a programmer for pic, I wanted to know if anyone can tell me if this controller is compatible with basic4android.

Do you mean you want to use Basic4android to create the hex file, or just to transmit the file to the PIC programmer?

For transmission with Bluetooth you can connect a RS232/Bluetooth adapter to the serial port of the PIC programmer, and use the Serial library of Basic4android to send the hex data from the Android device.
See Bluetooth Chat tutorial and http://www.b4x.com/forum/basic4android-updates-questions/16750-how-send-hex-bytes-using-asyncstreams.html.

However, the most difficult part is to create the hex file. You probably have to make some reverse engineering by using the PC program supplied with your PIC programmer and see how the hex data look like when you make a program.
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thanks for your help, proton + is very interessant program, i try to program with proton +, thanks friends.
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thanks for your help, proton + is very interessant program, i try to program with proton +, thanks friends.

Don't hesitate with Proton+, i developped many professional products with it (talking apps, gps, radars, etc see Pendentif-Radar
In addition it is rather easy to communicate with Android devices runnig B4a !
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