B4J Library pigpio for b4j

pigpio is a library for the Raspberry which allows control of the General Purpose Input Outputs (GPIO). pigpio works on all versions of the Pi.

I have use i2c(example), spi

get DIO hat use I2C and write text to I2c LCD



  • pigpiod.rar
    13.3 KB · Views: 241
  • breadpi_i2c.rar
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I admit that not already tried it. For sure I will try it when have some time.

In future I want to try control stepper motors with a driver like this directly from Raspberry.
DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver

Because I want to control 4 and more stepper motors in the same time (controlling a 3D Printer and CNC machine)
and here need an high resolution GPIO control around 10 us resolution, I need to explore more solutions.

Probably require interrupts or something sophysticated like control any stepper motor on a different thread.

What is best suitable to do it for your opinion ? Pi4J or PIGPIO ?

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Pigpio uses sockets, so the response time is long. You may need to use C language or similar to achieve the 10us you want.


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Thanks for reply, even jPi4J is too slow to archieve this timing ?

The only solution is to build the full project directly on C language, compilers like cMake and similar ...
... and abandon completely the idea to develop it on B4J with GUI interface and great development tool ?

Here a relevant discussion where author of PIGPIO replied, see 5 us, but probably
under C or C++ enviroment, and this is not strictly related to GPIO output togling a pin:
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In terms of jpi4j, you can experiment to see if you can output the step you want stably and at high speed. Sorry I don't have experience with this kind of application so I can't give you advice


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https://abyz.me.uk/rpi/pigpio/cif.html This is pigpio's website. There is also a C library with more functions than jpi4j, you can study to see if it is suitable


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Yes, need to be tested.
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