Hola, Hi !
This code only pings if phone is root. Otherwise I get the following error.
Este codigo solo hace ping si el telefono esta root. De lo contrario me da el siguiente error.
Ping error "icmp open socket: Operation not permitted"
This code only pings if phone is root. Otherwise I get the following error.
Este codigo solo hace ping si el telefono esta root. De lo contrario me da el siguiente error.
Ping error "icmp open socket: Operation not permitted"
Sub Ping( Server As String, Count As Int ) As String 'Root requiere.
Dim P As Phone, StringBuilderOut, StringBuilderErr As StringBuilder
P.Shell( "ping -c" & Count & " " & Server, Null, StringBuilderOut, StringBuilderErr )
If StringBuilderErr.Length = 0 Then
Return StringBuilderOut.ToString
Return "error: " & StringBuilderErr.ToString
End If
End Sub