I have a Pixel 4a - a hitherto excellent phone. I very rarely make or receive 'phone calls and my usage is almost entirely through Wifi and Bluetooth. From a full battery charge I could get three days usage, but normally I recharged every other day when the battery level dropped below 50%.
A couple of weeks ago I received this email from Google :
We wanted to let you know about an upcoming software update for your Pixel 4a that will affect the overall performance and stability of its battery. Pixel phones, like other smartphones, use rechargeable lithium-ion batteries that, over time, may experience performance, capacity or runtime degradation.
In the coming days, your Pixel 4a will receive an automatic software update to Android 13 that introduces new battery management features to improve the stability of your device. This update will reduce your battery's runtime and charging performance.
Sure enough the update arrived and now my 'phone consumes battery power at around twice the previous rate. Not a show-stopper - I can still get a full day's use from a full charge - but it leads me to two questions :
1. What might Google have done that causes this increase in power consumption yet has improved the stability of my device?
2. Who has benefitted? Not me, I think, but I assume that some users gain from this. I don't see how this action will win Google more customers.