Android Question Placing panel to far left on ACToolbar

RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I have an ACToolbar (ACToolBarLight) with a panel added with 2 buttons added to this panel. The buttons are for changing menu groups.
I want the panel flush left on the ACToolbar, but am unable to do this, wasting some valuable space.
The ACToolbar has no logo.
How can I place this panel flush to the left?

Sub Globals()
    Private ActionBar As ACToolBarLight
    Private pnlActionbar As Panel
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(bFirstTime As Boolean)
    btnMenuGroupDown.TextSize = 18
    btnMenuGroupDown.TextColor = Colors.RGB(255, 0, 0)
    btnMenuGroupDown.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
    btnMenuGroupDown.Color = Colors.ARGB(0, 255, 255, 32) 'yellow
    pnlActionbar.AddView(btnMenuGroupDown, 0, 0, 60dip, 44dip)
    btnMenuGroupUp.Color = Colors.ARGB(0, 255, 255, 32) 'yellow
    pnlActionbar.AddView(btnMenuGroupUp, 61dip, 0, 60dip, 44dip)
    btnDroppyAnchor.Color = Colors.ARGB(0,255, 255, 32) 'color of actionbar
    btnDroppyAnchor.Visible = True 'needs to be visible to anchor to the button
    pnlActionbar.AddView(btnDroppyAnchor, 104dip, 40dip, 1dip, 1dip)
    ActionBar.Title = ""
    ActionBar.Color = Colors.RGB(255, 255, 32) 'yellow

    ActionBar.AddView(pnlActionbar, 120dip, 44dip, Gravity.LEFT)
End Sub


RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User

Thanks, that works very nice indeed.
I improved further by not having the 2 buttons (first one holding the menu item name), but instead a panel with a transparent label
holding the menu item name. I can move menu group up or down via the panel touch event, touch the panel either left side or right side.
BTW, it would be very nice if there was a library holding all those useful Java methods/properties.

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